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AdviceUK extends free access to Trustfolio’s instant credit reports via AdvicePro until 2025

BY Roshini Thevasagayam | July 17, 2024

AdviceUK members have already been experiencing an improvement to speed and quality of service, after their initial three month trial access to instant credit reports through AdvicePro and the Trustfolio Debt Adviser Support Portal.

With Trustfolio’s integration into AdvicePro, obtaining credit report information has now become instantaneous and allows us to have up to date information at our fingertips.

We’re now able to complete more advice sessions at the first appointment and have been able to reduce the amount of follow up work! It takes the stress away from the client and allows us to progress their case much quicker than previously.Simon Kendall, Better Leeds Communities

AdviceUK has now extended its free trial offer of access to Trustfolio’s Debt Adviser Support Portal until 2025. The trial is free for AdviceUK members using AdvicePro in England.

However, anyone can sign up to the Debt Adviser Support Portal on a paid for basis, with costs comparable to sending a stamped addressed envelope.

Trustfolio’s IMA award-winning portal is used by over 1,300 advisers from more than 200 non-profit advice services. It simplifies the process of gathering clients’ financial information by providing instant access to Experian and TransUnion credit reports, and Open Banking (not included in the free trial).

Key Features:

  • Instant Credit Reports: Access client credit reports directly via the AdvicePro Case Management System.
  • Ease of Use: Designed to save time and reduce administrative burdens.
  • Insolvency Practitioners Panel: Review and refer clients with confidence.

For more information and to register interest in this offer, please contact: