In advance of this autumn’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), AdviceUK has made representations to HM Treasury on what we see as the key issues affecting our members and the people they support.
Promoting the wellbeing of individuals and the communities in which they live is fundamental. AdviceUK believes that the CSR must ensure that funding is made available to: –
AdviceUK thinks that it is also essential that the CSR makes funding available to support the advice sector and those seeking advice. In particular, the CSR should: –
AdviceUK’s Policy and Campaigns Co-ordinator David Hawkes said: “Households have been under financial strain for more than a decade and the pandemic has exacerbated the pressures faced by many families. It is essential that the Comprehensive Spending Review makes funding available to alleviate these problems, as well as providing additional support to the advice sector so that it can help people to improve their lives.”
For further information please contact influencing.