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Our policy work

We undertake our policy work in a variety of ways.

We work closely with our members to understand the issues that are affecting them and their clients.

We use data to evidence this. We work with a wide range of external stakeholders and seek to influence decision-makers so that we can improve the landscape within which our members operate and improve the lives of the people they support.

We represent AdviceUK and the interests of our members and their clients by sitting on a wide range of committees and working groups. We raise the profile of our policy work by speaking at events and through the media.

AdviceUK Consultation Response – Review of the Personal Insolvency Framework

AdviceUK welcomed the call for evidence on the personal insolvency framework. There have been major societal and economic changes in the UK since the introduction of the Insolvency Act in 1986 and, as a result, we believe that significant changes are needed in the area of personal insolvency. You can read our response to the consultation here:




Designing and funding advice services – 10 key principles

Advice has a vital role in improving access to justice for millions of people. To enable the advice sector to meet the advice needs of people and communities in England, Scotland and Wales, AdviceUK believes that it is important that a set of ten key principles are taken into account and followed by decision-makers, policymakers and funders.

AdviceUK Consultation Response – Statutory Debt Repayment Plan

AdviceUK has responded to the Government’s consultation on a proposed Statutory Debt Repayment Plan. We think that the proposal will benefit very few people and raises a number of concerns. In our view, the Government should wait for the outcome of the call for evidence on personal insolvency and in the meantime focus on measures that will address the cost of living crisis. You can read our response to the consultation here: