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Empowering Lives: How Norfolk Community Law Service Supports Vulnerable Communities

David Powles, CEO of Norfolk Community Law Service (NCLS)

As the CEO of Norfolk Community Law Service, I am privileged to witness firsthand our organisation’s profound impact on the lives of the people we serve. Our mission is to empower the people of Norfolk to assert their legal rights through advice, education and representation. 

Our services span various areas, including debt and money advice, welfare rights, family court support, domestic abuse legal advice and more. We speak with people from across our community dealing with problems that have a detrimental impact on their lives daily. NCLS has been transformative for many who felt trapped and unsure of where to turn.  

Unfortunately, with the continued cost of living crisis, 2023/24 was another extremely tough year for many people and demand for our service has continued to grow. However, my team and I remain determined to rise to these increased challenges. Every day I am so proud to hear from my team of the significant differences we make in people’s lives. 

A safe space 

One of our clients, Deborah, had endured over 30 years of controlling and coercive abuse from her husband. Deborah felt trapped with no access to their joint finances and mounting debts secured against their property. Our Mobile Legal Adviser (MLA) connected her with our Debt Service and facilitated a safe space for her to receive advice on initiating divorce proceedings. By working closely with Deborah and local support groups, we helped her take steps toward financial independence and a life free from abuse. 

Dedicated advocacy 

Another one of our clients, Stephen, came to us facing a challenging Personal Independence Payment (PIP) appeal. Stephen had previously received the standard rate daily living component of PIP, but it was taken away during a renewal. Suffering from PTSD, dissociative disorder, autism, hypermobility and bowel problems, Stephen found himself in a vulnerable position. Our team appealed on his behalf, arguing that his health conditions had not changed. Stephen’s previous PIP award was reinstated through our dedicated advocacy, ensuring he received the support he desperately needed. 

In our Free Legal Advice (FLA) service, we encountered Shannon, who needed assistance with a housing application. Initially denied the support she was entitled to, Shannon faced homelessness. Our team intervened, providing crucial legal advice and representation. With our help, Shannon was able to secure her place on the housing register, ensuring stability for her future. 

Support through challenging times 

These stories are just a few examples of how NCLS changes lives. In 2023/24, we helped 4,512 clients with 4,825 legal issues across Norfolk. This year alone, we have written off £728,632 worth of debt for our clients. Through our Family Court Support Service, we have been there for 232 clients at family court hearings, offering critical support during their most vulnerable times. 

This year, we secured our largest-ever grant of £500,000 from the Access to Justice Foundation and National Lottery, which will help us continue our vital work. 

Our support helps keep people in jobs, safe in their homes, out of poverty, and with improved physical and mental well-being. Our work is a testament to the incredible dedication of our staff, volunteers and supporters, and I am incredibly proud to lead such a transformative organisation.