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Latest news from AdviceUK

In advance of this autumn’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), AdviceUK has made representations to HM Treasury on what we see as the key issues affecting our members and the people they support.

In Bristol, the Aviva Foundation is already supporting Talking Money, St Pauls Advice Centre and AdviceUK to test out how a Whole Person, Whole Community Approach can contribute to building financially-resilient communities.

AdviceUK works with funders involved in the Community Justice Fund to ensure that a large segment of specialist legal advice continues to be funded, in addition to the support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

AdviceUK has produced a report containing information about clients and cases for the 12 months ending 31 March 2021. The report shows the impact that COVID-19 had on advice service delivery.

AdviceUK was appointed by the Scottish Government Debt Advice Levy Fund to distribute a fund of £700,000 in small grants to members who provide money and debt advice services within Scotland.

 Upcoming Events 

AdviceUK Member Forum England and Wales 21 June 2023 This is the third in a series of regular meetings AdviceUK is running for members during 2023. Each meeting aims to give members insight into each other’s work, explore issues that are relevant to social welfare advice services and give you opportunities to hear from external […]