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Community Justice Fund

BY AdviceUK | July 30, 2021

Influencing to improve people’s lives is central to AdviceUK’s work. Our influencing is made possible through the work of AdviceUK members.

The knowledge and intelligence from our members mean that we can act as a strong and persuasive voice for the independent advice sector, ensuring that our members’ views are heard and that the experiences of the individuals and communities they serve are voiced and listened to.

An example of AdviceUK’s recent influencing work is The Community Justice Fund

AdviceUK working with funders involved in this initiative (AB Charitable Trust, Access to Justice Foundation, Baring Foundation, Clothworkers Foundation, Dulverton Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Indigo Trust, John Ellerman Foundation, Legal Education Foundation, London Legal Support Trust, and Therium Access) and other advice sector networks has ensured that a large segment of specialist legal advice was funded during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Without this funding, organisations would have had to close with no access to advice for many thousands of people.