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 About us 

We are the UK’s largest support network for independent advice organisations.

We are the UK’s largest support network for independent advice organisations. We strengthen and support advice services and create opportunities for networking and sharing of sector knowledge. We provide complementary products and services, tailored to the needs of the advice sector and speak up for our members at a national level with the ultimate aim of making life easier for those in desperate need of help.


We help around 700 independent advice organisations to support millions of people across the UK.


AdviceUK Members


Clients offered free advice by our members


Client enquiries this year


Our vision is a society wherein every individual, regardless of means, is able to access the advice they need in order to exercise their rights and deal with any legal and social welfare problems they may face.


“To support, not control.”
Our founders were passionate activists and advice pioneers, motivated to help less well-off people tackle unfairness, injustice and poverty. They believed, as we still do, that rights have no value without the means of enforcing them.

We try to reflect our founders’ motivations in the day-to-day running of our organisation, exercising:

  • Fairness
  • Integrity
  • Co-operative action
  • Flexibility and innovation

Find out more about our history and why advice is so crucial.


To support advice organisations, by helping them to be efficient, competent and effective and to campaign for a policy environment that supports them and people needing advice by;

  • Developing and providing cost-effective products and services that address advice-providers’ needs (especially those that they could not effectively or affordably address themselves);
  • Providing communication and co-ordination between members and ourselves, between members themselves and between third parties and members;
  • Advocating and influencing on behalf of advice providers and ultimately their clients.


To sustainably support our members and progress towards our vision by improving communications, co-ordination, advocacy and influencing.

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Our history
AdviceUK was established in 1979. Find out more about our experience in the advice sector.
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Find out how we influence change at national level.
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